purchase process

Home / purchase process
STEP 1: After choosing the kitten you are interested in, please contact us to check its availability.
STEP 2: Once step (1) is completed, the buyer agrees on the price and undertakes to sign a legally binding sales contract with the seller, implicitly and explicitly, to conclude the purchase of the kitten specified.
STEP 3: Before proceeding with the kitten transaction abroad, the buyer after signing the sales contract must make a first payment.
STEP 4: A 50% deposit is made in accordance with the purchase price of the kitten which will serve as shipping costs (flight, transporter, veterinary visit required, Transfer of ownership document, international pet passport, microchip, license of CITES exports and all health papers required) are due before your kitten leaves our kennel.
STEP 5: Once we have received and confirmed the amount of 50%, we will take care of the kitten from the production and control of the necessary exit documents, until the arrival and reception in your home country. Throughout the shipping process, you will be kept informed of the progress.
STEP 6: The remainder of the 50% of the kitten’s purchase price will be paid once the kitten has been delivered to your home
STEP 7: We work with very strict rules for the purchase of our kittens, no transaction is allowed until the sales contract has been signed by both parties (seller and buyer).
STEP 8: This agreement is final and binds buyer and seller in accordance with the laws of the international trade in exotic rare feline animals to certify and guarantee a clean, healthy, socialized or reimbursed kitten in the event of illness, lethal and parasitic internal or external anomalies at the time of delivery to the new owner.
STEP 9: Upon receiving the kitten, please notify us and take it to the local vet to make sure the kitten we sent is healthy. You must provide the report within forty-eight (72) hours, otherwise guaranteed health will be void.
STEP 10: Once all of the above is done, remember that when you accept responsibility for caring for a kitten, or any other animal, they depend on you not only for food, shelter and veterinary care, but also emotional and supportive care. The bond you develop with your kitten will amaze and passionate you forever.
STEP 11: Food samples, supplement samples, toys and blankets will also be sent to you with your new kitten.
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